♦December 2016 : Dreamy Digital Science. A list of amazing crypto fun study of digital tech/society you will never be able to make.
♦November 2016 : Le jeu de la fuite, poetic web project about meditative windows, escape through media, digital night dream…(put your headphones !)
♦ November 2015 : I just finished a web-documentary about french architecture after the WW2 called Une balade au Merlan (see the image below). A project funded by Nicéphore Cité (Chalon-sur-Saône, France) developed with Caroline Bougourd (architectural historian), Robin de Mourat (UI/UX designer), Jérôme Tailhades (web developer) Delphine Durocher (graphic designer), Clémence Sgarbi (photo and video) and Alexandre Ferreira (sound design).
♦ September 2014 : a video mashup on « data imaginaries ».